HVAC Services

HVAC Services

Edge Construction HVAC Services include:

air conditioners


We perform furnace repairs and installs any time of the year. Look to our trusted installers to keep your furnace running at peak performance during the harsh winter months.
Air Conditioners

Perhaps you have an evaporative cooler that just isn’t keeping you cool during the extremely hot summer months here in the southwest. Or maybe your existing air conditioner just isn’t producing enough cool air like it once did. Whatever the reason, we can repair your existing air conditioner to work like it used to, or install a new system that will keep you cool no matter how warm it gets outside.
Heat Pumps

Are you looking for a way to keep your house warm in the winter and cooler in the summer? Then you may want to consider a heat pump. Installed on the outside of your home or building, a heat pump is part of the property’s heating and cooling system. In colder months, the pump draws from the cool air outside and pushes it into the house as warm air. Conversely during the warm months, a heat pump draws the hot air inside your home outside to help keep things cool. We can work with you to determine if a heat pump makes sense for your home or building and get one installed so you can stay comfortable inside any time of the year.

Heavy duty industrial furnace

Air Handlers

Air handlers work with air conditioners and heat pumps to transfer the air into your home or building. If you find that your air conditioner or furnace are not producing enough or any air throughout your property, it may be that your air handler is not working correctly. We can replace air handlers with new units that will work in different seasons and help keep your home or building comfortable.
Indoor Air Quality

When you need fresh air circulating through your building, we can assist by installing indoor air quality solutions for your property. Whether it is a minor update to your existing system or adding or replacing equipment, turn to us to help your property stay properly ventilated and reduce airborne pathogens to stay healthy.
Packaged Units

If you are interested in a central air system for your property but find that space is limited to bring such a system inside, we can install a central air system that sits outside your property. This way the unit includes all necessary working components in one location and provides the air your home needs for you to stay comfortable.

If you find that your boiler needs repair or replacement, we have qualified technicians that can assist with that. Basically the boiler is used for fueling your home using wood, coal, oil or natural gas. If you find that your home or building is not being heated in terms of water or air, a new boiler may be the solution to get everything working properly again.
Garage Heaters

Do you do a lot of work in your garage, especially during the winter months, but always feel cold? The simple solution may be a garage heater. These units are large fans which produce heat in a relatively short amount of tine, and can heat up to 500 square feet. If you like to tinker in your garage during the colder seasons, a garage heater may be just what you need. Look to our technicians to install and train you on the operation of a garage heater in order to stay comfortable during the winter season.
Mini-split Systems

Mini-split systems are ideal when you want to control the temperature in separate rooms or spaces. A mini-split system is comprised of an outdoor compressor/conductor and an indoor air handling unit, or evaporator, that work to cool or heat the space accordingly. Mini-split systems are well-suited for new or custom home construction as well as existing homes. Call our office today to discuss having mini-split systems installed in your property.
Edge HVAC info sheet

Edge HVAC Info Sheet

Want to learn more about Edge Construction’s HVAC services? Download a copy of our HVAC info sheet HERE.


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